

2018 / White / 718 CAYMAN S-A
18/08/2021, 09:35
Aggresive Driving
At around 9.20am on Wednesday 18th August 2021 at approximately 9.25am I was travelling up Wilbraham Rd, I went through the green traffic lights where there are 2 lanes. I was travelling behind a car when on the right side of me a white Porsche decided that he wanted to get in front of me instead of safely dropping in behind me because there was now limited room. In doing so he almost collided with the side of my car and I had no option but to slam on my brakes so he could get in before the lane went into one. This really shook me up and I beeped at him several times as I couldn't believe what he had done. He then proceeded to drive at 15 miles an hour and kept slamming on his breaks in front of me in a menacing manner. He was also gesturing for me to pull over, which I obviously ignored being a single woman driving alone. We then stopped at the next set of traffic lights and I moved into the opposite lane so I could get past him and move away from the threatening behaviour he was displaying. He kept beeping at me until we reached the traffic lights in Chorlton next to the HSBC Bank on the same road. He then proceeded to get out of his car and started banging his fist on my side window on the drivers side. As he wasn't stopping despite my requests and I was genuinely scared he was going to break the window or damage my car, I eventually got out of the car. I started to film him and he got even more aggressive with me. A woman cyclist came over to me and stood with me as this man was so aggressive, at one point I thought he was going to hit me. He then proceeded to shout at her!
Retirement age, around 5.5 tall, Scottish, stocky with a distended stomach, silver short hair and had an Imperial War Museum t-shirt on.
577-579 Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester M21 9AH
02/08/2021, 11:34
Cut me up, then got out of his car, with a knife and started running aggressively towards me. I therefore hit him with my car and he gladly died.
Fat neek
Chorltonville, Longford park
14/08/2024, 11:47
He through a bottle of beer out his window that t4at he has no awwrness he was probably going to a buffet
Fat neek can’t stop eating Ps. He is ugly asf
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