

2024 / Grey / LEON V1 ETSI S-A
27/07/2024, 04:42
Aggresive Driving
Driver was tailgating and getting aggressive driving thru a 30mph zone i was doing 30mph and there was opportunity to overtake but she'd rather try and intimidate me by weaving behind me, as I signalled left into a car park she decided to nearly hit my rear end aggressively making hand gestures sped off down the road and then entering the car park at the exit tried to smash into me head on as I swerved she got level to my driver's side door and started hurling abuse, I pointed to my dashcam and she sped off and parked in the car park of the pub slightly further up the road ! All that anger just to go for her pub grub !!
Woman driver mid 40s blonde hair foul language. Male passenger black hair
Hale village Liverpool
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