

2022 / Red / 208 GT PREMIUM EV
09/05/2024, 17:45
Dangerous Driving
There was traffic in front and behind me as I was driving up to some road works which also had a traffic light. I noticed the Peugeot driver in front of me had a very large gap in front, roughly 10-15 car lengths. They were doing under 5MPH. I attempted to overtake, with my indicator, safely, and I had a clear sight with no cars oncoming. The Peugeot thought it was very sensible to put their foot down and preventing me from overtaking. So I had to pull back behind them. Once I was behind them again, they slowed down so they obviously did it on purpose. I honked my horn at them as it was very dangerous what they did. They put some sort of hand gestures up at me. They continued to leave a large gap several times again, and I honked at them each time as it was just ridiculous. They also repeated the hand gestures, in which I also saw a clear middle finger. The last time we moved in traffic, the Peugeot decided it was safe to pull a brake check. They moved away, with a gap in front and put the brakes on. Luckily we were still only moving slowly and the driver didn’t come to a complete stop. After the traffic, I unfortunately was going the same journey for quite a while. The driver was accelerating rapidly with every chance they had. But unfortunately going slowly again on the straights. As the driver was dangerous before, I decided to stay behind and not risk them speeding up if I was to attempt an overtake. I really hope that the Peugeot driver had fun. It sure made me laugh. I also hope they enjoyed wasting my time as well as all the drivers behind.
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