

2022 / Grey / A3 S LINE 35 TFSI MHEV S-A
17/08/2023, 12:52
Aggresive Driving
Double parked cars on haggs road at pollok park on the inside lane moved out at lights just b4, passed signaled checked and preceded to move back into the outside lane, driver blasted horn flashed lights and at the after next set of lights pulled into outside lane and get along side and give obscure gestures, even though my window was down and preceded to drive deliberately under speed limit upto and including onslip road of M77.
40s+, bald and skinny
17/08/2023, 13:01
Aggresive Driving
Double parked cars on haggs road at pollok park on the inside lane moved out at lights just b4, passed signaled checked and preceded to move back into the inside lane, driver blasted horn flashed lights and after next set of lights pulled into outside lane and get along side and give obscure gestures, even though my window was down and preceded to drive deliberately under speed limit upto and including onslip road of M77.
40s+, bald and skinny
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