This car was far too close behind me (tailgating) whilst I was overtaking in the second lane of the dual carriageway. I was travelling at 50 mph (the speed limit) so I suspect this young male driver was pushing me either to go faster or trying to get me to turn into the first lane so he could get past. He was so close behind, I couldn't even see his number plate. He overtook right at the end (into the 40 mph zone) so we were then able to see his number plate. Needless to say, he didn't gain because the cars in front were not exceeding 40 mph. Luckily for him (& for other road users), I kept a safe distance behind him. We're not all arrogant bullies - roads and drivers are to be respected and some of us want our highways to be safer.
Young white male.
Dual Carriageway from Barnstaple to Ashford North Devon